Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Change in Format

With the intent to make the data here more informative, I've revised how it is being presented. The table for January shows the grand total "points" accumulated in each category for the month indicated. (All numbers are standardized into 30-Day Months and, except for Xanax, rounded off to the nearest whole number). The table shows the two preceding months as well, to help show whether things are improving or worsening over the most recent three-month period. Also shown is the same month from a year ago, and two years ago, to show how I was doing at that time of year in previous years.

You will also find a table of "Seasonal Averages." This table contains monthly averages for each season of the year. This can be used to compare different seasons, as well as to gauge the present month in terms of my seasonal averages.

As a reminder, the lower the number, the better - in all cases except for the "Joy Etc" column.

January 2006 Stats

Jan 2006 Dec 2005 Nov 2005 Jan 2005 Jan 2004
Overall 143 212 163 102 29
Joy Etc. 129 98 130 159 214
Self-Harm 79 151 98 79 7
Suicidal Days 16 22 18 2 2
Xanax Used (mg) 16.9 26.1 15.5 5.3 1.9

Best & Worst Months

This table indicates the range of "scores" in each category between April 1, 2003 and January 31, 2006. Rather than listing average scores, I feel the median is more informative.

[FYI: the "median" is the number halfway down a list when data are ranked in numerical order - or, to put it anther way, the median divides the data such that half of the months rank higher than the median, and half the months rank lower than the median. As an example of how the "average" can be misleading would be seen in my Xanax figures: my average usage is 7.5mg per month, but the vast majority of months I use less. A small handful of months of high usage can really skew the average. In this chart, the closer the median is to the "best" score, the better.]

Overall (points) Joy Etc(points) Self-Harm (points) Suidical Days Xanax (mg)
Best 10
Feb 04
Feb 04
6 times
6 times
Oct 05
Median 86 172 27 6 2.0
Worst 213
May 05
Dec 05
May 05
May 05
Dec 05

Record Bests - 2006

The following table shows the longest stretches of consecutive days without suicidal thoughts so far during the calendar year 2006.
(Last Updated: 06-01-06)

Rank # of Days Dates
1 6 05/26/06 - present
2 6 05/09/06 - 05/14/06
3 6 04/07/06 - 04/12/06
4 6 03/12/06 - 03/17/06
5 5 04/26/06 - 04/30/06
6 5 02/06/06 - 02/10/06
7 5 01/08/06 - 01/12/06
8 4 05/19/06 - 02/22/06
9 4 02/19/06 - 02/22/06
10 3 01/14/06 - 01/16/06

Record Bests - 2005

The following table shows the longest stretches of consecutive days without suicidal thoughts during the calendar year 2005.

Rank # of Days Dates
1 33 10/01/05 - 11/02/05
2 24 01/16/05 - 02/08/05
3 13 01/02/05 - 01/14/05
4 13 02/23/05 - 03/07/05
5 10 03/16/05 - 03/25/05
6 10 11/25/05 - 12/04/05
7 7 07/29/05 - 08/04/05
8 6 02/10/05 - 02/15/05

Record Bests - 2004

The following table shows the longest stretches of consecutive days without suicidal thoughts during the calendar year 2004.

Rank # of Days Dates
1 88 03/15/04 - 06/10/04
2 53 10/15/04 - 12/06/04
3 41 12/19/03 - 01/28/04
4 30 02/08/04 - 03/08/04
5 17 08/24/04 - 09/09/04
6 14 12/17/04 - 12/30/04
7 11 06/17/04 - 06/27/04
8 10 09/25/04 - 10/04/04

Record Bests - 2003

The following table shows the longest stretches of consecutive days without suicidal thoughts during the calendar year 2003.

Rank # of Days Dates
1 97 08/02/03 - 11/06/03
2 41 12/19/03 - 01/28/04
3 25 06/14/03 - 07/08/03
4 18 04/18/03 - 05/05/03
5 13 12/05/03 - 12/17/03
6 11 11/20/03 - 11/30/03
7 10 03/29/03 - 04/07/03

Record Bests Since 01/01/03

The following table shows the longest stretches of consecutive days without suicidal thoughts, since January 1, 2003.

Rank # of Days Dates
1 97 08/02/03 - 11/06/03
2 88 03/15/04 - 06/10/04
3 53 10/15/04 - 12/06/04
4 41 12/19/03 - 01/28/04
5 33 10/01/05 - 11/02/05
6 30 02/08/04 - 03/08/04
7 25 06/14/03 - 07/08/03
8 24 01/16/05 - 02/08/05
9 18 04/18/03 - 05/05/03
10 17 08/24/04 - 09/09/04
11 14 12/17/04 - 12/30/04
12 13 12/05/03 - 12/17/03
13 13 01/02/05 - 01/14/05
14 13 02/23/05 - 03/07/05
15 11 11/20/03 - 11/30/03
16 11 06/17/04 - 06/27/04
17 10 03/29/03 - 04/07/03
18 10 09/25/04 - 10/04/04
19 10 03/16/05 - 03/25/05
20 10 11/25/05 - 12/04/05

Seasonal Averages

The following table shows the average monthly totals during each season of the year, based on data collected from April 1, 2003 to January 31, 2006.

Winter Spring Summer Fall
Overall 89 82 96 77
Joy Etc. 164 183 157 173
Self-Harm 36 39 54 31
Suicidal Days 7 9 12 6
Xanax Used (mg) 7.5 6.3 9.5 6.5