Thursday, June 01, 2006

Monte Mood Scale Summary for May 2006

For the most part, the month of May continued along the track of improvement shown over the past few months. It has been more than two months now since my hours and responsibilities at work were cut back dramatically, and there's enough information now to see if the change has had an effect on my moods. Prior to the change, the window of time from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon was by far my most difficult 24 hour period. That time period has improved dramatically, and as a result my weekends in general are much better. Tuesdays, on the other hand, have gone from being one of my best days to the very worst. I believe this is largely due to the fact that Tuesday night is softball-night for the league that many of my male coworkers play in -- which is part of a significant trigger of mine. The season is almost over, though, so even Tuesdays should get better soon.


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